viernes, 18 de marzo de 2016


On monday when our teacher showed us the topic , which has been very interesting for all of us, we had 3 differents alternatives; comics, info-graphic and twitter timeline.
All of us  we started to do a mindmap in order to get a lot of diferents ideas so when we had to start working we decided to make a comic because we found a useful website for this type of tool.
In classroom we estructured  the differents vignettes and the content of which one and the most of us had brillant ideas for the comic.
In the afternoon we did skype all together and our facilitator explained us the mos important concepts and  the best way to do the comic so after that we did it easy and rapidly.
On Wednesday we was not like an ordinary classes or like the way that we thought. Professor made new groups and as a new group we listened the stars presentation and comment on them. Each group had one star and all members were from different groups. Each group did a exam question and corrected the diferent mistakes that maybe the presentation had.

From our point of view this different activity was funny and practical so we had a good time. we have holiday so enjoy it!



I felt a little bit worried about this presentation because I didn’t know how we have to show our new task. I really like the way how we worked on Wednesday because it was so dynamic and I received many ideas from the other members of the different group in order to improve our comic.

This week was a hard week for all of us. It has been the last week before Semana Santa and we all had to work hard for other courses. Anyway, our individual and group work has improved as circumstances required.
On Monday we chose to make a comic for Wednesday´s presentation but we had an error, we dind´t clarify who was going to be the star, so we made a very nice job in the procces of the comic, with original ideas and nice multimedia tools but the day before (We only had day and a half) we didn´t know who was going to be the star. Finally Silvia did it and she did it very well.
In Wednesday we also worked in express groups like last week, and we used the resources of other groups as a source to make an exam question about textbooks and to make a constructive criticism. Our members made a nice job, although we were separated, and our comic was understable for the group which worked with it.

In conclusion, it has been a thrilling week, with a lot of challenges but we solved them and I think that this has been positive for us as a work group.


Textbook. (n.d) Textbook, Retrieved from

Apple, M. (2000) Cultural politics and the text. Official Knowledge, 2nd edn (2000), London: Routledge, pp. 42

Crawford, K. (2000). Researching the Ideological and Political Role of the History Texbook: Issues an Methods. International Journal of Historical Learning Teaching and Research 1, 1

Adell, J (04/03/2012). Libros de texto electrónicos: Peras al olmo. Retrieved from:

Adell, J (18/06/2011). Lecturas sobre libros de texto. Retrieved from:

Goslin, G. (n.d.). definition of textbooks. In The history of textbook. Retrieved March 10, 2015, from 


I have chosen this words because in my opinion these are key Word to understand the work for this week. It is necessary to know these terms in order to get understand what we did. I hope you agree with me.

Debate : Discussion in Which People argue about one or more topics and they outlined their his views and interests,  in this case about the controversie of texbooks

Text book: it is an instrument mainly used in schools by students to learn and by teachers to teach, they help them to lead the lesson, usually there is book for each subject. they aren't written by a single author  and they keep on a curriculum for a school system organization depending on the place, so they don't leave free way for imagination. 

Pixton: it is a webpage that allows creating comics online, you have to create an account in pixton to be able to start use it.

Comic. It is a story which is tell through bulleted

Editorials: the editorials are the different companies that publishes books, in this case textbook
Goslin, G. (n.d.). definition of textbooks. In The history of textbook. Retrieved March 10, 2015, from


Here you have the link to our comic in English, hope you like it!


·         Although sometimes editorials include complementary material it is still imposed as the only resource

·         It is conceived as a form of business more than a tool for education.

·         It is not based in the ideas of teachers or other professional of education, it is based on an agreement between editorials and the government, so, indeed it is strongly politicized...

·         As textbooks change with every law, books cannot be reused by schools.

·         Although there are some ways to own textbooks like book banks, they are still very expansive and a lot of families cannot afford them.

·         Shrink-wrapping supplemental materials are rarely used and its one use reduces the Value of the book to resale.

·         The end consumers (students) do not select the product, and the product is not purchased by faculty or professors. Therefore, price is removed from the purchasing decision, giving the producer (publishers) disproportionate market power to set prices high. This is why is known as “the broken market”. This is increased with the lack of competition.

viernes, 11 de marzo de 2016


I think that although this week we haven't had to work on a new task, we had taken the advantage of the second chance that the teacher gave us to rebuild again the task of last week. And consequence of that, I think that with the effort, contribution and ideas shared by all of us  on Monday we made a great presentation  and we corrected the errors we made last week. I tried to do my best to do a great job.

Here you have the tips to be the best facilitator

This has been a nice experience and I enjoyed a lot. I have improved my star role since the last time I did it. I have corrected my mistakes and for example, I wasn´t reading doing the exposition and I didn´t get nervous as in the last time. Maybe I should have explained more widely the term of sap, because it is something that children wouldn´t understand if I´m not more specific. I have enjoyed doing this because I have represented my group and at the same time I have done an exercise of recognizing and accepting my fails and then I have made an effort in order to eliminate that errors. 

Here you have the tutorial in order to be the best star: 


SLIDESHOW: is a digital way to present a topic using images and information, which should be as specific as possible, it is better to be short in order to put many words, because this not captive the attention of your public. It is a useful tool to reinforce your ideas, can also help your to interact more with the audience.

CHLOROPHYLL: Chlorophyll is the green pigment of plants and algae, which is found in the leaves and makes possible the photosynthesis. Receives the green color because it is capable of absorbing light purple, red and blue and green reflect. The main function of this component is to transform light energy into chemical energy in order to make the process of photosynthesis.

GOOD PRESENTATION: Something very important is the ability to communicate well your ideas, among other things. For that, you should know very well your topic and the key points of your work in order to explain it as simple as you can. You mustn’t focus only on the content because the most important thing is the way through you explains it. You have to do a clear structure in your mind, keeping in mind your audience at all moments. Finally, a visual tool could help you if you know how to use it so, reserve time to work on it in order to interactive whit your public and being at the same time part of your exposition.

CREATIVE COMMONS: There are some people that do not want to exercise all the property rights that the law allows them.  In this sense, appears creative commons, a nonprofit organization. Creative commons tries to help people to express their preferences to share, offering everyone some  web licenses without any cost.  It means that people can have others material without paying money depending on the type of license. In this sense, Creative Commons designed a system of licenses which is volunteer, and help authors to publish their material by letting everybody know exactly what they can have from this material, because creators can choose the terms of use. In contrast to reserved rights, Creative Commons invite authors to decide what rights they want to get about their work.

Creative Commons offers 6 types of licenses:
  • - Atribution
  • - Atribution-Sharealike
  • - Atribution-Noderivs
  • - Atribution-Noncommercial
  • - Atribution-Noncommercial-Sharealike
  • - Atribution-Noncommercial-Noderivs
PHOTOSYNTHESIS: is a chemical process that green plants, algae and some bacteria do. In this process they capture energy in form of sunlight and transform it in food. the first step of this process is absorption, in which the roots of the plant absorb minerals sales and water from the earth; the next step is circulation; it consist in transporting the sap gross, created in the roots, goes up through the stem; then photosynthesis takes place in the leaves of the plant which are oriented towards the light, here the raw sap is transformed in elaborated one; finally, the oxygen produced in the plant is expelled and the wise is distributed throughout its structure. They also use this process to grow up and develop themself. Through this process plants produce oxygen which is necessary for our development.

Here you have the tutorial about how to be the best translator


Thanks to this new task we realized that we have very important mistakes in our other task about the curator job, for example the likns were not interactive, so making this task has allowed us to improve for our next work because we have learnt very well what are the goos steps to be the best curator.


We started the Monday repeating the presentation for last week. In the presentation our two stars had to explain the topyc we chose (photosynthesis) like they were real teachers teaching this topyc to their pupils. This time the presentation was better than last week: explanations were short and simple and the stars interacted better with the pupils and the blackboard.
We had a new and different task on Wednesday. For the task, we had to work in groups of people with the same role and try to think what are the best tips to be the best in each corresponding role. We hadn´t work in our roles yet because we changed the roles for this week (except stars) so we had a more critical point of view. Every group made a video of about 30 seconds describing the steps to be the best in the role. Every role is going to upload the appropiate video.
What happened with people without role? Well, this people were the bosses this week, also they had to write a report and inform to the teacher about people who didn´t come to class.
So, in this photo you can see Eric (the boss) and me with a member of the Frisky Hedgehogs working together in our group (the jounalist one) and the video.

Ah! By the way, don´t forget to visit the blog of our classmates the Frisky Hedgedogs! take a look

viernes, 4 de marzo de 2016




Doing the role of star has been a good experience. I have always loved to expose and talk in public because I don´t usually get nervous. However, in this case I got very nervous and I couldn´t do the presentation in the way I would like to. The fact of exposing for first time at my class  influenced me in a great part. I got luck with my partner of the presentation, who did a great job and was nice during our exposition. As a conclusion I´ll say that being the star this week has been a great experience because I have felt in a little part what I´ll have to do when I was a teacher and I have represented my group, even knowing that I could have done it much better. 

We have had worked a lot, it’s true that we didn’t put the tip of licence of the pictures because we didn’t exactly know how attribute the public domain photos, so as the facilitator is my fault. But know the teacher gave us a second opportunity so we hope we do it right and better than the other day. I distributed the activities to the members of the group and we talk all together about the ideas we have found and at the end I decided what to do. I want to motivate as much as I can my mates to do it better.
For us the best group was The TutiFruti group because we really enjoy their story and how they use the examples of the fruit in order to better understand the topic that they chose. The worst one we think that The Juncharees was the worst because we couldn’t understand well the topic that they chose, but we think that the idea of passing the figures was good.


The journalist this week has tried to do her best, she has been active in the twitter account and has uploaded the corresponding blog post according to the task 3! She has accomplished the assignment of commenting on a blog of some of our classmates, take a look!

 This week we choose a topic and we make a presentation for four minutes, we chose the theme of photosynthesis, the best part of the work has been our power point, because the result was good according to what we had to explain, the worst part in my opinion was the fact that we have to adapt this presentation just four minutes so we could not extend much the presentation, the best time we had as a group was on Tuesday in which all of us gave the best of us  to do the work in the best possible way, the worst part maybe  was the time when we had to choose the topic, regarding improving, I think we all agree that a better organization for more efficient work is necessary, but I think we should preserve the illusion and motivation we're having so far.


Fernández, A. (14/04/2015) The photoshyntesis, Retrieved from

APA style, (n.d) adapted from the sixth edition of the APA Publication Manual, (2010) , Retrieved from

Zarzuelo,C. (2005) Santillana S.L, Ciencias de la vida (la nutrición de las plantas)

Creative common liciense (n.d) About creatrive common liciense Retrieved from

Jimeno, A. (2003). Biología (2º de Bachillerato). Santillana. p. 210

La fotosíntesis (n.d) About photosyntesis Retrieved from

La fotosíntesis (29/11/2012) La fotosíntesis Retrieved from

Creative commons wiki (04/07/2014) Creative Commons Aoteoaroa New Zeland Retrieved from

Duarte, N (31/10/20012) Structure you presentation like a story Retrieved from

Reynolds, G (2014) design your presentation Retrieved from


PHOTOSYNTHESIS: is a chemical process that green plants,algae and some bacterias do. In this process they capture energy in form of sunlight and transform it in food. the first step of this process is absorption, in which the roots of the plant absorb minerals sales and water from the earth; the next step is circulation; it consist in transporting the sap gross, created in the roots, goes up throught the stem; then photosynthesis takes place in the leaves of the plant which are oriented towards the light, here the raw sap is transformed in elaborated one; finally, the oxygen produced in the plant is expelled and the wise is distributed throughout its structure. They also use this process to grow up and develop themself. throught this process plants produce oxygen which is necessary for our development.
CHLOROPHYLL: Chlorophyll is the green pigment of plants and algae, which is found in the leaves and makes possible photosynthesis. receives the green color because it is capable of absorbing light purple, red and blue and green reflect. the main function of this component is to transform light energy into chemical energy.
CREATIVE COMMONS: There are some people that do not want to exercise all the property rights that the law allows them.  In this sense, appears creative commons, a nonprofit organization. Creative commons tries to help people to express their  preferences to share, offering everyone some  web licenses without any cost.  It  means that people can have others material without paying money depending on the type of license. Creative Commons designed a system of licenses which is volunteer, and help authors to publish their material by letting everybody know exactly what they can have from this material, because creators can choose the terms of use. In contrast to reserved rights, Creative Commons invite authors to decide what rights they want to get about their work
GOOD PRESENTATION: something very important is the ability to communicate well your ideas, among other things, you should know the key points of your work in order to explain the topic as simple as you can. you musn´t focus only on the content because the most important thing is the way through you explain it so you have to do a clear structure in yout mind, keeping in mind your audience at all moments. finally, a visual tool could help you if you know how to use it so, reserve time to work on it in order to interactiv whit your public and being at the same time part of your exposition.
SLIDESHOW: is a digital way to present a topic using images and information, which should be as specific as possible. It is a useful tool to reinforce your ideas ,can also help your to interact more with the audience.




 This week corresponds to the task No. 3, we have to note that this task has two parts; one consists in a presentation that we must expose orally in front of our classmates (4 min). For this presentation the teacher has left us freedom to choose the topic, as long as we were have to consider that this presentation has to be be aimed at children of primary education and all content that we used have to had Creative Common.

Moreover, we had to make a presentation explaining what is the CCL use and give tips to make a good presentation.
To make the oral presentation, first we had to choose a topic, which wasn't easy for all agreed and it took more than expected . There were several options, but we finally reached an agreement, that was the Photosynthesis. That same day, some of the group reunited via Skype to start organizing the work to prepare it on Tuesday..

On Tuesday the entire group decided to stayed in the university  to prepare the presentation, there were several disagreements but finally we could finished it.
On Wednesday our stars exposed our presentation, were able to defend our topic but we missed some details that we hope to improve for the next presentation.
Finally, to make the presentation about using creative common and tips to make a good presentation we divided the work in parts and then we put them in common.

Here are some pictures of our group working on the task this week: