viernes, 29 de abril de 2016


Yellow news: is that kind of sensationalist press which includes headings of catastrophe and a great Numbers of photographs with detailed information about accidents, crimes, adultery and political entanglements. In the case of graphics or television, It is characterized by using extremely satured colours, principally red, and exposing information in a desorganized way.

Peers: it is a group of children of the same age. In some cultures are formed by groups of ages. Each generation has its rights and responsabilities that vary when growing older. Those who belong to the same group usually maintain contact among their lifes. An example of peers groups could be childhood, adolescents, elderly and adulthood. Peers groups have become more important through years, and its importance reside in schools, taking the place of family. Also, relationships between peer groups are more domocratic than with parents. In contrast with family, in peers children can explore rules of behavior and continue to be more and more important through life.

Context of learning: It is one of the variables that, according to several studies, influences the process of adquisition of a second language. Those variables or factors of learning are divided in two big fields: personal factors and social factors. Every theoretical framework about the processes of adquisition and learning recognise the importance of the context. In general, we can distinguish between the school context (institutional or formal) and natural context, this is the learning that is used through the natural use of the language with the interaction with natives. 

Teacher-student relationship: It is established through an horizontal framework, in which both figures exchange meanings and learn; and multidirectional, refered to the comunication and interaction between each other: student/student, student/teacher, teacher/students... The classroom is the place where the teacher spread his/her didactic and personal resources to accomplish his/her labour, modulating the relation with students. 

Reality show: It refers to a television format that intends to show real facts that happen to a group of people in a specific context. One of the most important characteristics in a reality show is that the main characters are real people, not fiction. The people that parcticipate in a reality are not actors, they do not follow a guide or script. These people meet in the same physic space and live together in front of the cameras and pass some steps. Therefore, spectators can observe through television what happen white the participants in real time.


This time Linda asked us to select the best of each stories we had done on chapter 4  and did a video interpreting these stories but in a reality show. So we decided to make a zapping television in order to put different programs that make more entertaining the video, and we used programs like the fourth millennium, the daily of patricia, there is something I want to tell you etc.

The first day we were organize into groups and each group started to do their work. We create our scripts and split the roles of each in the history. Writers, actors, reporters, presenters, children etc.

Once we organized everything before Wednesday we started to study our respective parts in order to make everything went well the day of the recording.

Those who participated in the various stories went, David, Lluch, Rachel and me (Silvia) who rode together in a story, and Eric, Helena and Alvaro in other story.
David, Lluch and Silvia were children and Raquel was the camera.
Eric was the presenter of the contest, Alvaro was one of the contestants and Helena helped the camera and the designer.

We put our respective clothes and on Wednesday we were ready to record. We rode several parts in different parts of the University to take different planes, a gate, a coffee shop, a class, a television set ...

The truth is that we had a very good moment because it was very entertaining and outtakes were very funny because first you're not sure how you have to do it or if you will look good in that way.

We even invented a song because for the program, there is something that I want you to tell you, as the song was in Spanish, we started to sing in English and recorded it to make the video with the letter in English.

So here you have some images of the different TV sets.



The teacher Juanito was correcting some exams the other day when he noticed that one particular pupil, “Carlitos”, had mixed up the local most important history facts with other historical facts learnt the last week focused on recent history of the country.
The next day, when the teacher was handing over the exams he asked to Carlitos why he had made that mistake. At first “Carlitos” dind´t answer, he was embarrassed, but Juanito said “Come on Carlitos, did you studied it by heart?”
“Yes”, Carlitos Said, “I didn´t understand the end of the story very well”
“Okey” said the teacher “Tomorrow we are going to look over the same lesson.”
The next day Juanito searched a illustrated tale about the local history and the children enjoyed it, once they had read it the made a debate about it and the teacher made sure that everyone had understood the events properly, the next lessons he did the same before the exam.

Last week, it happened and strange thing in Pedro Salinas school. One child, during the break decided to enter to his class and close the door with him into the class. He was all the rest of the morning trapped in the class and he didn´t want to go out but finally and with the intervention of his parents and the police he got out of the class. In that moment, his parents tried to be relax and asked him why he did that, his reason was that he didn´t want to be in class with his peers because they marginalized him and he decided to marginalize them without giving them the possibility of enter to the class as a revenge. 

A teacher ask to a student if he did the homework, he asked her that he didn't do because he doesnt' understand the concepts to do them. So the teacher decided to revise if the rest of the class have understood them and she noticed that some peers were in the same situation. For solve the problem, she decided to make an colective activity that consists in make groups where peers help each others, that is, those who have better understood the knowledge trasmit them to those who didn't. And the teacher to make sure that everyone has understood the concepts , she choose randomly a group of students who hadn't done their homework and they have to explain the concepts that they learn this day in front of the class

Article: The virtual-lessons that facilitates education to school student of a small village of Spain
The small village of Piedraroca is located in the middle of a mountain next to a river. It is a small village that has a population of 46 habitants. There is no school or even a bar in the all village. Two years ago, a group of teachers decided to give an opportunity to those kids that live in Piedraroca. They create a platform that allows the child to connect to the internet and follow a normal class. The work that the teachers are doing is totally free, they do it because they want to give those childs an opportunity. The children are learning well different subjects and they are discovering the daily routine of a classroom. They like to participate and to be part o the class. In a future, the platform will be much more accurate and will allow the children to pass the primary education online.

jueves, 28 de abril de 2016


Here you have our video of Complexity in Schools. Hope you like it!

viernes, 22 de abril de 2016

Task 6++ Roles

Translator part:

Complexity theory: it´s a view of how increasing people knowledge. According to this theory everyone has its particular knowledge and information already learnt. What they will do is to share that knowledge to the others and in that way everyone would learn something new about a determined topic. For example in the piece of News about a Cultural Week in a school, everyone would say what they know Sierra de Gata, and through this process we get an increasing knowledge of the participants about Sierra de Gata.

Chief: the chiefs are the bosses, the leaders of some group. For this activity we were different groups and there was one chief in each one of them. They distribute our functions, guide us in order to manage better the task and also help us whether we only have a little doubt or we are definitively lost. It´s very important to have one chief because he/she would be the reference, this kind of hierarchy ensures that the activity of the group id made fluently. It´s a mechanism for escaping of chaotic situations.

Editor: is a person who makes something as a music CD, a piece of news, etc. In this case would be a news editor and it´s the person who writes the piece of news and organizes how they are going to be presented, explained and reflected in the news program.

Reporter: it is the person that appears in the news programs and tell the audience how some current fact is going. They work as a mediator between a determined piece of news and the audience that is watching them. Their goal is to make the current affairs closer to the public at the same time they explain well and in a summarized way the most important things related to the fact. They are in the place where the fact is going and they sometimes interview some person that would be direct or indirectly related with that piece of news.

Script: is the piece of news written down in words. They are used as a guide to the presenters and the editors because all the information about some piece news or even the structure of the whole program is there. They have the function of making a pattern to follow in order to do the piece of news interesting and well organized. 



This week each group has worked to carry out a newscast in common. I think the best part of the activity was that although we worked in groups, there was a strong connection between groups, among all students, between the different roles, and a mutual help (for example Sole, a friend from another group who acted in our new).Perhaps the worst part was to collect videos and the technical problems.
I think the best moment has certainly been the recording, definitely the funniest moment.
The worst moment may be when the teacher had to remind us why we were doing this task, as it seems that many of us were more focused on making a good video than in the background.
We have learned a lot about complexity, and specifically on diversity and redundancy that is the issue that we worked on our news.
I think as a group we must continue dividing tasks in class and work on them at home when it´s not possible to work in class, but we all should try to attend to class.

TASK 6++ journalist

Complexity notices

We have made the task number 6, but our next task is to expand the work we did in the task number 6. Linda has asked us to put the news on a regular basis on our blog and have begun to make videos with notices. Linda divided us into two groups, writers and actors.

Our helena star was one of the heads of writers and our star Lluch, one of the heads of the actors.
The writers divided the tasks among classmates, editors, actors, reporters, presenters, designers etc.
Me (Silvia) and Eric we were reporters, david, lluch and rachel were actors of twitter news but rachel got bad, so Sole, another group member made her paper. The rest were writers.

On Wednesday, we did the recording day and it was so funny, because everyone was with their costumes in the University and we did a more dynamic and fun class. Some people wore very strange and funny costumes.

So in that day we must to have all recorded in order to edit the video this weekend because we have to show it on monday. So we prepared all the scenes, we divided people with their groups, we found free classes to record etc.

We really want to see the others notices because we don't know how they were and also we really want to see how the video looks like.

viernes, 15 de abril de 2016


This week our task called Fiction & Reality was based on the concepts of "Complexity" and "Relationships" in school context.
Here we have 6 real news we have found online. Each one is connected with one part of the first text about complexity (Chapter 1). And then, we have tried to imagine one real situation in which each one of the 5 model of school relationships from (Chapter 4) were present.


NEW 1: Schools lead to the “transparency law”- The Complexity theory in schools.


This new is related with the Theory of Complexity in schools because this theory is based in the emerging knowledge among the connections between the different levels of schools, which boundaries are mixed and ambiguous.

In this specific case, the complex relationship between the parents, the direction of the schools, the sindicates, the politics and the school surroundings have had a connection from which an specific interest (Transparency for choosing school) has emerge. 
They have created a new idea and shared it between the different levels of the institution in a very complex but effective way and that is basically what the author was saying in this subtitle, which is a clear explanation of what has happened in the new.

NEW 2 The context of a complex organization- : The teachers , weak link in the 

emerging school network.

Moodle is a very useful tool for school in which students can access to the material of the classroom and also can exchange information, but the problem that see its creators is that in Spain teacher are not taking advantage of it, they are teaching students in the same way. 

This is related to this chapter because in Spain schools have a different context from other countries based on its history of traditional practices and that may be the reason why it’s difficult for teachers to introduce innovative practices.

NEW 3: Emerging knowledge through connections- ABP project.

It talks about a new project known as ABP (project-based learning) to promote the acquisition of knowledge through other methods.

Teachers are launched to challenge students to learn through a classroom project that may involve challenges and create compilations sites, create videos, organize exhibitions or build useful items for the classroom.

The ABP changes the dynamics of the classroom in various aspects: the role of the teacher transmitter passes information to facilitator and guide, students assume the burden of learning and work cooperatively. Students who develop projects using ICT

NEW 4: Diversity and redundancy-  Unique Uses of Twitter in the Classroom.

Nowadays social media and technology have a huge importance not only at schools but also at universities, according to the data the 80 percent of the members of the faculty use social media but there some platform that have been more accepted than others a clear example is youtube, but others like twitter have had a less impact in the colleagues live, but now a group of teacher give us five characteristic to include twitter as a good tool for using at classrooms which are the following ones: 

Twitter allows to create a personal brand because good grades without a strong personal brand make more difficult to find a job, also Learning to be concise, because you have to adapt to the 140 characters, Teaching executives about social media. Bringing clients to classes, personifying characters on Twitter.

NEW 5: Balancing randomness and deterministic order- Continous hours.

18% of all Aragón's centers change its hours to continuous day. 
This change can alter the climate in schools and can thin the environment as well as students and components that have to adapt to the project but most of them think that this does not bring any improvement in the educational development of children. 

This is related to the fact that schools are in a changing context that moves between traditional schools and innovative ones. A school that remains in a deterministic order and don’t adapt to changes may belong to traditional schools.

NEW 6: Complexity theory and changes in school- Apple includes new apps in iPads to 

facilitate its use.

This new explains that Apple has improve the software of it's devices to make education better for both students and teachers.

In general teachers like this innovation because it facilitates the integration of tics. On the other hand this transformation is not About the apps, the teachers are the important point, who must know how to include innovative practices. 

Tics help avobe all in planification of the classroom, so it may help education, so first is pedagogy and then technology. This is related to this chapter because it says that education is based on multiple factors that affect each other can be concieved in many ways, like the example of teachers  integrating technology in different ways.



This week when my group told me that I've to be star of my group I was a little nervous because I thought at the time to expose , I prepared very well my work but when I came on Wednesday to class it wasn´t what I expected, I didn't have to present our work but we have to lead a group of people to interpret the different stories in which each group had worked and done, so on the one hand I was quite glad because i didn't have to present the work but otherwise i would have liked to present because i prepare me and i studied very well each of the stories, but definitely i had a good time.


Starkey, L. (2012). Teaching and learning in the digital age. London: Routledge.


Pereira Baz, M.Angel (15/04/2015). Aprendizaje basado en proyectos: del profesor pionero a los centros innovadores. Retrieved from:


Ibañez, María Jesus (30/03/2016). Los profesores, eslabón débil de la incipiente escuela en red. Retrieved from:


Gómez, Pedro (25/04/2013). Los colegios se someten a su “ley de transparencia”. Retrieved from:




1.RELATIONSHIP: According to the dictionary a relationship is the process or the way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected. So we can conclude that a relationship is a connection between something or somebody. In the school content we can see many relationships that make an effective learning process. The students establish a relationship between them and the teacher, also with the resources or the school, or even between them. To a better understanding of the learning process we should look after the relationships between the different components of a school.
2.COMPLEXITY THEORY: The complexity theory proposes that the emergence of knowledge occurs thought-out the connections of the participants with the system. The heart of this theory could be the interactions between the connected parts of a system or organisation including the relationships through which the agency and mutual influence of individuals create a responsive process. In the contest of the school the responsive process includes the process of teaching and learning.
3. RELATIONSHIP TEACHER-STUDENT: The connection between the teacher and the student is a significant component in the teaching and learning process. The teacher designs learning activities to teach and explore key concepts or the main skills based on curriculum requirements, pedagogical content knowledge, the students’ learning needs and experiences, resources and the context in which the learning will occur. This requires the teacher to be aware of curriculum, concepts and skills to be taught, pedagogical approaches, the context in which the learners will learn, and the learners themselves.
They need to be able to establish and maintain an effective learning environment where students feel safe, motivating them to collaborate and participate. To create and maintain an effective learning environment a teacher needs to develop a positive and responsive relationship with his or her students.  It is an important component of effective teaching.
4. COOPERATIVE LEARNING: The cooperative learning is a particular approach to learning in which students work in small groups to complete learning tasks to achieve a shared goal. David and Roger Johnson are strong proponents of the power of cooperative learning and have carried out research and written extensively in this field. They advocate for cooperative learning to be successful, shared goals and purpose of learning are explicit and each group member has assigned responsibilities and students evaluate not only how well the task was done, but how well each member met their responsibilities within the group. Cooperative learning activities can align with a digital age connectivist perspective when there is a focus on learning rather than solely on task completion. The learning which occurs is through the connections within the group and the task can be open ended allowing opportunities for the group to apply, remix and create knowledge collaboratively. The development of connections across social groups through collaborative learning builds greater cohesiveness within cohorts of peers and can blur the boundary between social identity groups.
5.CONECTONS BEYOND THE CLASSROOM : Those connections are that the teacher and students establish outside the classroom. Students can have learning connections beyond the physical classroom environment. These types of connections can be through the World Wide Web. The use of Internet video conversations and online learning environments allow students to establish and maintain learning connections beyond the walls of a classroom. Students may be grouped for formal learning through a course or for a particular learning activity. As in a classroom context the students naturally interacted socially through the online environment .Teachers and students can access community resources to develop understanding of a concept, skill or perspective, be the focus of an inquiry, or to actively participate in an activity to enhance the community or environment.



During this task we have learnt different things. The best part of this task was the part of doing stories while the worst part was the part of the notices. This is because I think that we are more creative so we found easy to make stories in order to found different notices. 

In terms of the days, the best day was the day of the presentation and the worst one was the first day because every member of the group weren’t in the class so it was more complicated to divide the work and to think about the different ideas that we want to use.

The things that we have learnt are the things that were in both chapters and also to cooperate more with each other. And also we should keep the way that we used this week, doing everything on time and in class. But the thing that we should improve is to be everyone in class.



This is the first week I´ve been the facilitator so I was determinate from the beginning that we had to do a great work and it was my part to make it succeed. I think that the task has been well developed, some scary moments (as always) in which work seems to have disappeared, but nothing special.
The experience has been positive for us because we have learnt that to accurate our searching methodology and our creativity and also we have learnt about the complexity theory and the relationships in the school contexts, such an interesting topic.



Monday 11th April.


Dear readers,


We still have kind of "hangover" from the last week work, but after watching the great results of our video in the "contest" and the amount of "likes" it has scored in youtube we are full of energy and excited about this new challenge.


Linda has presented the new task. We are quite confused because this week we won´t use new spectacular resources, instead, we will have to read two interesting articles about complexity and relationships and we have to search news related to them and invent "real life stories" based on them.


We start working hard.


Love Ericin.



Wednesday 13th April.


We have spent this two days working individually (This has been one of the most individually made task) to find suitable news and creating the short stories.


When we arrived to class Linda made two groups with all the stars. Stars of chapter 1 would be writers or editors, while starts of chapter 4 would be actors and then, once groups had been made we started working together to improve our actuation in our specific roles.

In the next post you´ll see the news we found for each subtitle in Chapter 1 and why do them represent some specific things about complexity theory.

Love Ericin.

Here you have some photos we take while working together in Wednesday´s session:

 The whole wednesday group working together.

 The selection moment.

We were concentrated.


viernes, 8 de abril de 2016

ROLES TASK V. Summarizing the last weeks


At the beginning I exhibited euphorically the first part of my presentation in the wrong way so I made a fool but I didn´t care it. it´s very normally in my day by day, when my turn started I had a good time during the presentation, I felt confident and I am happy for that.


summarize : synthesize the information so that the most important concepts and ideas keep reflected , in this case , we summarize the parts of our work throughout the course, to give a good explanation and also to be brief and easy to understand

powtoon : is a website that allows you to create animated presentations and animated how-to videos, also it has the advantage that the videos can be exported to youtube

Moovly: It is similar to PowToon program that lets you create animated presentations and animated videos also a simple and quick way , also has the advantage that it is free , the result is very showy

Stop motion: is a technique of animación which consist of simulating movement of static objects by a series of images. In general we can use this term to representation that are not static as a drawing but not yet cartoons. It is create by taking pictures of the reality. Therefore, stop motion is used to produce movement of any object. This is a craft technique, due to it is built by manipulating objects, photogram by photogram. There are many materials that can be used in a progressive way.

Animación: is a process to give the sensation of movement to images, drawings or other types of inanimated objects. It is consider as an optical illusion. There are lots of techniques to do an animation that go further from current cartoons. It can be generated by drawing, painting or taking photos of small changes done rapidly and repeatedly in a model of virtual reality. In addition is possible to animate real objects and actors.


The task this week consisted in prepare a presentation of 2 minutes in which we  summarize what we have learned in the weeks so far this year. We choose Powtoons because we found it interesting and a excellent website to make an original and awesome video.
In my opinion I think we have worked very hard and very well organized for the presentation of summarizing the last weeks. The presentation went better than we expected and I think we got as other groups in voting last Wednesday appreciated us well and we got a very good position. We didn't get the first place, but got the second one that it is also very good. 
The worst part of the job I could say it was the first day of the week, when the teacher explained what we had to do because several people of the group weren't present at class and we couldn't have their opinions about what the rest of the group were doing. In my point of view I think that  the best thing of our work this week was that when it comes the time to do the presentation each contributed with their ideas and opinions, and when something didn't seem right ,someone said it and we all argued why and what.

These are the different resourses we have used during the differents tasks.

We use the imformation that is in our own webpage to elaborate the task

 We learn how to use powtoon and how to create videos seeing this

We créate our resourses mindmap using this webpage

And finally we create the video using this tool

We have worked a lot this week and i really think it is reflected by the fact that we were the runner up in the competition for the best video, it is true that we should improve for be the best ones, now we have a chance to get a better mark with the likes of our You Tube videos, we hope to win.
It was an easy task to motivate the best I can my mates to do our best.


Monday 4th 
Dear readers, 
We're starting this new week with energy after the Holidays and looking forward to working hard and doing well on the new taskOn the other hand, we are also feeling a bit worried because we have never worked with  these programsbut any way we love new challengesAfter discussing for a while About what would be the best option we have decided to create an animated video with Powtoonwhich is an easy and very complete tool to use. Furthermorewe have a small surprise in our video, hope you like it! See you on wednesday 
Wednesday 6th 
Dear readers, 
Wednesday has finally arrivedit's been two hard daysworking a lot on this task in order to make a perfect video! On general we have not had serious problem but it took much time to finish the taskNow it's time to the presentationwe're all feeling a bit nervous about thatbut we feel like showing our work to the whole classI'm sure our star will do her best on her performancelets see how it goes 
The presentation has finally finished, I hope you all liked our animated video About what we have learnt during the course and also the surprise we included in it, Linda personally has shown us what we have learntAlso there were some unexpected situations after the presentationwe had to give points to each group as in eurovisionbeing Linda the presenter and the stars the reporterIt has been such a funny momentbut also we were feeling worried about giving points to other partnersbut this is how it works and in general we enjoyed it a lot 
I am glad to say that our group came in the second position out of 8, not bat at all, we are very happy about that and I hope it would help our group in the final puntuationwe are really looking forward to having that snack in the canteen. Anywayit's a very good notice to know that the rest of the class enjoyed our work, I wonder If the rest of the people would also like it, If so, don't hesitate and give us a like in youtubeFinally, I would like to congratulate the winner of todaythe tutti frutiswe all thought it was the best video and deserved being the firstNow we can not wait to know the final marks 
Below you have some pictures of the best moments of this week 