The Curator-Farmer work:
Technological pedagogical content knowledge (n.d) retrieved january 17,
2016, from Wikipedia:
Castañeda, L. (2014). TPACK tecnological pedagogical content knowledge
[video file]. Retrieved from
Candace, M. (2013). TPACK in 2 minutes [video file] retrieved from
Kimmons, R. (2011). TPACK in 3 minutes [video file] retrieved from
Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2009). What is technological pedagogical
content knowledge? Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education,
9(1), 60-70.
Anderson, M. (in press) Technological pedagogical and content knowledge.
ICTEvangelist. Retrieved from
The Analyst work:
During this task we´ve improved our capability of working together and the
academic relationships between us. In my opinion, the best part of the activity
was the coordination between us, how each member of my group did its part of
the job and how we helped each other. In contrast, the worst part was that we
did the presentation for two stars and finally we had to improvise to reduce
that two stars´ screenplay in only one. Equally, the best moments of the week
were the coordination and the solidarity of the members of the group during the
realization of the task and also the nerves and the exciting atmosphere of the
first presentation. The worst moment of the week was that we could only use one
star instead of the two that we thought. I have learned the utility of TPACK as
a useful tool for my future work as a teacher and the different types of
information maps that I can use to organize and present some information. We
need to conserve our solidarity and responsibility with the group for future
tasks and the talent and originality we have. We need to improve our
presentations and the information that we find on the Internet, it has to be
more extensive and reliable. This content is related with other contents of
this course because it also has the aim of find new ways and new tools of being
better and more accurate in our tasks. This content also has a social
connection because it´s related with the importance of technologies in our
society nowadays and how they can help us to get better our lives, our works
and so on.
The Translator work:
1. Speed learning
It is methodology to learn fast. It is the basis of every learning is interest, It's the key to learn effectively and fast, but there are many other factors that influence speed learning. For examples having a good diet, doing exercise, not smoking and not drinking may help learning fast. Also are useful things that keeps our brain active, like colours when we study, otherwise the brain can go off and lose crucial information. For instance, the way we have made our presentation of TPACK with information maps help speed learning because it integrates a visual ideas of the concept. It's a combination of procedures that enables you to achieve some goals.
TPACK is an acronym composed by the words technology, pedagogy and content. It refers to a model to understand how to teach, It is a framework that includes inside macro and micro context of influence three different kind of knowledge and the interactions between them. These are content knowledge which is the mastery of the subject, pedagogical knowledge which is how to master it, and technological knowledge which integrates the use of technology in the context.
3. Information map.
It's a tool that enables to organise and representate in a graphic way and through an schema, the knowledge. It has it basis on theoretical approach of educational psychology. The objective of a conceptual map is to representate relations between different concepts that acquire the shape of propositions. The concepts usually appear inside circles or rectangles, while relations between them are manifested with lines that match each circle or rectangle. At the time to develop an information map is fundamental to follow a series of steps to reach the objective to show a fact in a clear and simple way. There are many types of information maps: Spider concept map, hierarchy concept map, flowchart concept map, system concept map.
4. Diagram
is a graphic representation of all the steps that forms a process. It is an esquematic representation of the succession of operations that compose a system. Every actions, is this sense, are interrelated to produce a specific result. Diagrams are very useful to express process of work, design, learning processes... They can be applied in different fields like education, economy, mathematics, psychology and so on. There are many types of diagrams: horizontal, vertical, architectonic and panoramic.
5. Concept:
concept means design, construction or symbol, conception, idea or opinion expressed, characterization. It's the formulation of an idea or a image through words. It means something conceived or formed in the mind, it’s considered a cognitive unit of significance. It is formed in the mind about something or someone and consists of a type of evaluation through an expressed opinion. It’s also a mental symbol, is an abstract notion that contains every word of a determinate language and correspond to a group of common characteristics to a kind of thing, objects or abstract entities, determine how things are.
It is methodology to learn fast. It is the basis of every learning is interest, It's the key to learn effectively and fast, but there are many other factors that influence speed learning. For examples having a good diet, doing exercise, not smoking and not drinking may help learning fast. Also are useful things that keeps our brain active, like colours when we study, otherwise the brain can go off and lose crucial information. For instance, the way we have made our presentation of TPACK with information maps help speed learning because it integrates a visual ideas of the concept. It's a combination of procedures that enables you to achieve some goals.
TPACK is an acronym composed by the words technology, pedagogy and content. It refers to a model to understand how to teach, It is a framework that includes inside macro and micro context of influence three different kind of knowledge and the interactions between them. These are content knowledge which is the mastery of the subject, pedagogical knowledge which is how to master it, and technological knowledge which integrates the use of technology in the context.
3. Information map.
It's a tool that enables to organise and representate in a graphic way and through an schema, the knowledge. It has it basis on theoretical approach of educational psychology. The objective of a conceptual map is to representate relations between different concepts that acquire the shape of propositions. The concepts usually appear inside circles or rectangles, while relations between them are manifested with lines that match each circle or rectangle. At the time to develop an information map is fundamental to follow a series of steps to reach the objective to show a fact in a clear and simple way. There are many types of information maps: Spider concept map, hierarchy concept map, flowchart concept map, system concept map.
4. Diagram
is a graphic representation of all the steps that forms a process. It is an esquematic representation of the succession of operations that compose a system. Every actions, is this sense, are interrelated to produce a specific result. Diagrams are very useful to express process of work, design, learning processes... They can be applied in different fields like education, economy, mathematics, psychology and so on. There are many types of diagrams: horizontal, vertical, architectonic and panoramic.
5. Concept:
concept means design, construction or symbol, conception, idea or opinion expressed, characterization. It's the formulation of an idea or a image through words. It means something conceived or formed in the mind, it’s considered a cognitive unit of significance. It is formed in the mind about something or someone and consists of a type of evaluation through an expressed opinion. It’s also a mental symbol, is an abstract notion that contains every word of a determinate language and correspond to a group of common characteristics to a kind of thing, objects or abstract entities, determine how things are.
The truth is that I
didn’t imagine that it would be like that, I had never made a presentation as
well. I was very nervous because we were two stars and I was afraid of that
because I wouldn’t be wrong when I started explaining it.
The Star:
The truth is that I didn’t imagine that it would be like that, I had never
made a presentation as well. I was very nervous because we were two stars and I
was afraid of that because I wouldn’t be wrong when I started explaining it.
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