viernes, 15 de abril de 2016



This week when my group told me that I've to be star of my group I was a little nervous because I thought at the time to expose , I prepared very well my work but when I came on Wednesday to class it wasn´t what I expected, I didn't have to present our work but we have to lead a group of people to interpret the different stories in which each group had worked and done, so on the one hand I was quite glad because i didn't have to present the work but otherwise i would have liked to present because i prepare me and i studied very well each of the stories, but definitely i had a good time.


Starkey, L. (2012). Teaching and learning in the digital age. London: Routledge.


Pereira Baz, M.Angel (15/04/2015). Aprendizaje basado en proyectos: del profesor pionero a los centros innovadores. Retrieved from:


Ibañez, María Jesus (30/03/2016). Los profesores, eslabón débil de la incipiente escuela en red. Retrieved from:


Gómez, Pedro (25/04/2013). Los colegios se someten a su “ley de transparencia”. Retrieved from:




1.RELATIONSHIP: According to the dictionary a relationship is the process or the way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected. So we can conclude that a relationship is a connection between something or somebody. In the school content we can see many relationships that make an effective learning process. The students establish a relationship between them and the teacher, also with the resources or the school, or even between them. To a better understanding of the learning process we should look after the relationships between the different components of a school.
2.COMPLEXITY THEORY: The complexity theory proposes that the emergence of knowledge occurs thought-out the connections of the participants with the system. The heart of this theory could be the interactions between the connected parts of a system or organisation including the relationships through which the agency and mutual influence of individuals create a responsive process. In the contest of the school the responsive process includes the process of teaching and learning.
3. RELATIONSHIP TEACHER-STUDENT: The connection between the teacher and the student is a significant component in the teaching and learning process. The teacher designs learning activities to teach and explore key concepts or the main skills based on curriculum requirements, pedagogical content knowledge, the students’ learning needs and experiences, resources and the context in which the learning will occur. This requires the teacher to be aware of curriculum, concepts and skills to be taught, pedagogical approaches, the context in which the learners will learn, and the learners themselves.
They need to be able to establish and maintain an effective learning environment where students feel safe, motivating them to collaborate and participate. To create and maintain an effective learning environment a teacher needs to develop a positive and responsive relationship with his or her students.  It is an important component of effective teaching.
4. COOPERATIVE LEARNING: The cooperative learning is a particular approach to learning in which students work in small groups to complete learning tasks to achieve a shared goal. David and Roger Johnson are strong proponents of the power of cooperative learning and have carried out research and written extensively in this field. They advocate for cooperative learning to be successful, shared goals and purpose of learning are explicit and each group member has assigned responsibilities and students evaluate not only how well the task was done, but how well each member met their responsibilities within the group. Cooperative learning activities can align with a digital age connectivist perspective when there is a focus on learning rather than solely on task completion. The learning which occurs is through the connections within the group and the task can be open ended allowing opportunities for the group to apply, remix and create knowledge collaboratively. The development of connections across social groups through collaborative learning builds greater cohesiveness within cohorts of peers and can blur the boundary between social identity groups.
5.CONECTONS BEYOND THE CLASSROOM : Those connections are that the teacher and students establish outside the classroom. Students can have learning connections beyond the physical classroom environment. These types of connections can be through the World Wide Web. The use of Internet video conversations and online learning environments allow students to establish and maintain learning connections beyond the walls of a classroom. Students may be grouped for formal learning through a course or for a particular learning activity. As in a classroom context the students naturally interacted socially through the online environment .Teachers and students can access community resources to develop understanding of a concept, skill or perspective, be the focus of an inquiry, or to actively participate in an activity to enhance the community or environment.



During this task we have learnt different things. The best part of this task was the part of doing stories while the worst part was the part of the notices. This is because I think that we are more creative so we found easy to make stories in order to found different notices. 

In terms of the days, the best day was the day of the presentation and the worst one was the first day because every member of the group weren’t in the class so it was more complicated to divide the work and to think about the different ideas that we want to use.

The things that we have learnt are the things that were in both chapters and also to cooperate more with each other. And also we should keep the way that we used this week, doing everything on time and in class. But the thing that we should improve is to be everyone in class.



This is the first week I´ve been the facilitator so I was determinate from the beginning that we had to do a great work and it was my part to make it succeed. I think that the task has been well developed, some scary moments (as always) in which work seems to have disappeared, but nothing special.
The experience has been positive for us because we have learnt that to accurate our searching methodology and our creativity and also we have learnt about the complexity theory and the relationships in the school contexts, such an interesting topic.



Monday 11th April.


Dear readers,


We still have kind of "hangover" from the last week work, but after watching the great results of our video in the "contest" and the amount of "likes" it has scored in youtube we are full of energy and excited about this new challenge.


Linda has presented the new task. We are quite confused because this week we won´t use new spectacular resources, instead, we will have to read two interesting articles about complexity and relationships and we have to search news related to them and invent "real life stories" based on them.


We start working hard.


Love Ericin.



Wednesday 13th April.


We have spent this two days working individually (This has been one of the most individually made task) to find suitable news and creating the short stories.


When we arrived to class Linda made two groups with all the stars. Stars of chapter 1 would be writers or editors, while starts of chapter 4 would be actors and then, once groups had been made we started working together to improve our actuation in our specific roles.

In the next post you´ll see the news we found for each subtitle in Chapter 1 and why do them represent some specific things about complexity theory.

Love Ericin.

Here you have some photos we take while working together in Wednesday´s session:

 The whole wednesday group working together.

 The selection moment.

We were concentrated.


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