viernes, 15 de abril de 2016


This week our task called Fiction & Reality was based on the concepts of "Complexity" and "Relationships" in school context.
Here we have 6 real news we have found online. Each one is connected with one part of the first text about complexity (Chapter 1). And then, we have tried to imagine one real situation in which each one of the 5 model of school relationships from (Chapter 4) were present.


NEW 1: Schools lead to the “transparency law”- The Complexity theory in schools.


This new is related with the Theory of Complexity in schools because this theory is based in the emerging knowledge among the connections between the different levels of schools, which boundaries are mixed and ambiguous.

In this specific case, the complex relationship between the parents, the direction of the schools, the sindicates, the politics and the school surroundings have had a connection from which an specific interest (Transparency for choosing school) has emerge. 
They have created a new idea and shared it between the different levels of the institution in a very complex but effective way and that is basically what the author was saying in this subtitle, which is a clear explanation of what has happened in the new.

NEW 2 The context of a complex organization- : The teachers , weak link in the 

emerging school network.

Moodle is a very useful tool for school in which students can access to the material of the classroom and also can exchange information, but the problem that see its creators is that in Spain teacher are not taking advantage of it, they are teaching students in the same way. 

This is related to this chapter because in Spain schools have a different context from other countries based on its history of traditional practices and that may be the reason why it’s difficult for teachers to introduce innovative practices.

NEW 3: Emerging knowledge through connections- ABP project.

It talks about a new project known as ABP (project-based learning) to promote the acquisition of knowledge through other methods.

Teachers are launched to challenge students to learn through a classroom project that may involve challenges and create compilations sites, create videos, organize exhibitions or build useful items for the classroom.

The ABP changes the dynamics of the classroom in various aspects: the role of the teacher transmitter passes information to facilitator and guide, students assume the burden of learning and work cooperatively. Students who develop projects using ICT

NEW 4: Diversity and redundancy-  Unique Uses of Twitter in the Classroom.

Nowadays social media and technology have a huge importance not only at schools but also at universities, according to the data the 80 percent of the members of the faculty use social media but there some platform that have been more accepted than others a clear example is youtube, but others like twitter have had a less impact in the colleagues live, but now a group of teacher give us five characteristic to include twitter as a good tool for using at classrooms which are the following ones: 

Twitter allows to create a personal brand because good grades without a strong personal brand make more difficult to find a job, also Learning to be concise, because you have to adapt to the 140 characters, Teaching executives about social media. Bringing clients to classes, personifying characters on Twitter.

NEW 5: Balancing randomness and deterministic order- Continous hours.

18% of all Aragón's centers change its hours to continuous day. 
This change can alter the climate in schools and can thin the environment as well as students and components that have to adapt to the project but most of them think that this does not bring any improvement in the educational development of children. 

This is related to the fact that schools are in a changing context that moves between traditional schools and innovative ones. A school that remains in a deterministic order and don’t adapt to changes may belong to traditional schools.

NEW 6: Complexity theory and changes in school- Apple includes new apps in iPads to 

facilitate its use.

This new explains that Apple has improve the software of it's devices to make education better for both students and teachers.

In general teachers like this innovation because it facilitates the integration of tics. On the other hand this transformation is not About the apps, the teachers are the important point, who must know how to include innovative practices. 

Tics help avobe all in planification of the classroom, so it may help education, so first is pedagogy and then technology. This is related to this chapter because it says that education is based on multiple factors that affect each other can be concieved in many ways, like the example of teachers  integrating technology in different ways.

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