Yellow news: is that kind of sensationalist press which includes headings of catastrophe and a great Numbers of photographs with detailed information about accidents, crimes, adultery and political entanglements. In the case of graphics or television, It is characterized by using extremely satured colours, principally red, and exposing information in a desorganized way.
Peers: it is a group of children of the same age. In some cultures are formed by groups of ages. Each generation has its rights and responsabilities that vary when growing older. Those who belong to the same group usually maintain contact among their lifes. An example of peers groups could be childhood, adolescents, elderly and adulthood. Peers groups have become more important through years, and its importance reside in schools, taking the place of family. Also, relationships between peer groups are more domocratic than with parents. In contrast with family, in peers children can explore rules of behavior and continue to be more and more important through life.
Context of learning: It is one of the variables that, according to several studies, influences the process of adquisition of a second language. Those variables or factors of learning are divided in two big fields: personal factors and social factors. Every theoretical framework about the processes of adquisition and learning recognise the importance of the context. In general, we can distinguish between the school context (institutional or formal) and natural context, this is the learning that is used through the natural use of the language with the interaction with natives.
Teacher-student relationship: It is established through an horizontal framework, in which both figures exchange meanings and learn; and multidirectional, refered to the comunication and interaction between each other: student/student, student/teacher, teacher/students... The classroom is the place where the teacher spread his/her didactic and personal resources to accomplish his/her labour, modulating the relation with students.
Reality show: It refers to a television format that intends to show real facts that happen to a group of people in a specific context. One of the most important characteristics in a reality show is that the main characters are real people, not fiction. The people that parcticipate in a reality are not actors, they do not follow a guide or script. These people meet in the same physic space and live together in front of the cameras and pass some steps. Therefore, spectators can observe through television what happen white the participants in real time.
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